Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby quilts for Yazreen and Farhana

My team has been working on these quilts for the past 3 days..I did all the patchwork and coordinatring the colors and fabric patterns and my assistant Suryati did all the sewing ..By this afternoon they were all done..

Price is RM150

Price is RM180
Fabrics are english cotton from Dchomel,Taman Melawati.Size of baby quilt is 42 inchs x 54 inches and fits nicely into the normal malaysian size baby cot..


  1. Sweetnya! Esp yg ada ribbon tu.. :D

  2. yes mamaD...ade jugak mak yang nak tanah warna hitam for baby quilt...senang maintain katanye...tapi bila da suai padan,tetap manis...
