katakan..impatience,excited..blah,blah,blah.Another mistake was it should have been a single long blind instead of two small ones.So takde lah masaalah tengah2 tuh nampak tersengeh, tak bertemu and light peeping through the middle of the window or the blind itself.Am i making people confuse?Sebenarnye,saya dah terpotong pendek,Lepas susun blind tuh i discovered it was rather short.So being creative and using my heart,my hands and my mind,i cleverly { hai puji diri sikit }attached a 4 inch lace below.That took care of the droplength.Lepas nih baru le ade confidence untuk tackle more blind jobs.Will post more successfull roman blind projects in my later N3.
No 42 1st Floor,Jln AU3/1, Tmn Sepakat, Ulu Klang,54200 Kuala Lumpur::: COMMENCING 01.04.2011

Saturday, February 27, 2010
Roman Blind yang tersengeh sikit
Friday, February 26, 2010
It's Friday!! Already???.....so soon..
This week has been one busy week.Three small projects came rolling in..Only one completed,.Today being a public holiday, so the other two will just have to wait til nex week..Another long weekend. .Malaysia is one prosperous country....indeed!!!Kaya dengan PUBLIC HOLIDAY.hihihihi.After the long CNY holidays,cuti hari nih memang unexpected..Rasa tak puas kerja minggu nih.Memang betul..If you are doing something you love,time goes by like the breeze..Cuma because of the El Nino.,the breezy wind is hotttt and dusty..Top up with the construction noise coming from my neighbour,eeemmmmmm its going to be one hot noisy, weekend..
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Gantung Langsir Dirumah No 8,Jalan Perkasa , Desa Tun Hussein Onn
Pagi2 lagi dah sampai rumah no 8,Jalan Perkasa, kediaman untuk pegawai tentera darat .Rasanye ini dah kali keempat saya bertandang kerumah ni,.dari mula mengukur all the areas yang perlu curtain sampai menggantung langsir yang telah siap berperingkat2. It is a 7 bedded bungalow house. The owner sibuk and kami hanya berjumpa sekali aje that is on the first visit to discuss choice of fabric and pattern curtain.The successive meetings were with his parents, a very senior lovable couple.
Sungguh pun rumah baru dan tak pernah diduduki sekian lama, curtain tracks which was a triple track on most areas were in such sorry state..Semua screw yang memegang "holder bracket" dah berkarat. As soon as curtain was hang,the track gave way.....disaster!!!! Hancur......This happen in 3 areas..Jadik tak siap lah kerja menggantung..My installer ,Mat,could not repair the track as it was quite complicated. Kalau track atas gibson board memang akan mencetuskan masaalah esp.bila installation dari mula tak kukuh. As Mat was not fully equiped with the right tools ,problem cannot be rectified..Therefore,another visit was arranged at a later date.
So,tinggalkan aje 3 sets curtain yang tak dapat digantung. Kasihan tuan rumah mesti hampa rumah tak siap jugak. Kasihan jugak kat saya,tak dapat nak claim final payment,,,kakaka. Esok cuti Awal Muharram..so nampaknye minggu depan baru bolih finalise everything..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
A Pink Wedding its gonna be! - Fabrics from ELYZA
Center : VS0403705 S.E.VOL.3-TWINKLE-PINK {Will be the day curtain}
Right : TX06101606 GUILDFORD-MILFORD-ROSE{Will be the night curtain}
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Mr.Mico,CDL 550 finally breakdown jugak..sob,sob,sob (sedih nye)
Semalam cukup tiga hari i trained Miss 2 to stitch and handle the sewing machine.Kalau nak take over NYKOLETT kene lah ade sikit skill menjahit,,takkan nak duduk aje jadik mandor.Since she's my beloved daughter,so bagi lah dia guna Mr.Mico in my private room.First day,Miss 2 jahit semua smooth sailing.masuk second day,Mr.Mico gave a slight show of uneasiness and tension.Benang asyik putus,jahitan melompat2 and finally jarum patah....Sabar aje Miss 2 melayan kerenah Mr.Mico.Masuk the third day,i lost my patience when Miss 2 asyik complain yang there is something wrong with Mr.Mico.Puas dah. thread the machine,tukar jarum baru....tapi jahitan masih tak kemas.So tadi terpaksa lah panggil Ah Meng,my indispensable technician to check on Mr.Mico.Lepas dibelai,digosok,dibuangkan benang2 yang terkumpul kat motor and diganti plate baru and duit terbang RM60,.Mr.Mico is back in good shape.Unfortunately Miss 2 tak masuk kerja hari ni.Dia dah keluar dating,nak lepaskan tension lah tu...emmmm baru tiga hari kerja kat NYKOLETT.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Fabric from Tejani Holdings Sdn Bhd.
TJ02 Col-White
This beautiful snow white sheers will dress up Pn.Khariyaton's living area including her wet n dry kitchen as well.The day curtain will be in simple french pleat whilst the 17 inch valance will be pencil pleated n scalloped edges.Will post the ready curtain in 10 days time,insyalallah.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Beggars can't be choosers
Dah masuk bulan ketiga i am understaff..Looks like i have to settle down with candidate yang tak berpengalaman..Not much choice,job pulak dah mula masuk...rezeki tahun baru china gamak nye ekk.Kalau nak ikut graph workload tahun2 lepas,memang nak masuk March ade orang dah mula tempah langsir untuk raya..So like it or not terpaksa train staff baru nih...aduh....mencabar betul.Bab2 mengajar nih memang mencabar kesabaran esp.anak murid tuh is your flesh n blood..,and kite pulak short tempered..takut lari staff baru kakaka.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
After a long week of bermalas-malasan ....its back to work.
Lamanye cuti...after a long rested weekend seronok dapat balik membelai my good loyal friend...Mr Mico,CDL 550 N.Bukan any chinamen...but mesin jahit yang dah berkhidmat dgn saya selama 10tahun.He and the other 4 machines have been with me throughout my ups and downs.So,dah tentu2 he deserve some mentioning here,kan.Unlike the other 4 machines,Mr. Mico nih jarang2 breakdown.Minor kerosakan tuh,biasalah.One of the 4 machines pernah meletup motor nye.Almaklumle,tukang jahit bertukar ganti..Bak kata pepatah inggeris"too many cooks spoil the soup." Rupa2 nye mesin pun ade perasaan.Kene handle with tender loving care.Kalau kasar2,mula lah jahitan jadik tunggang langgang.So.satu pengajaran,kalau nak mesin tahan lama kene le belai dengan penuh kasih and sayang..pendek kata kene bercinta le jugak dengan nye..baru lah jahitan akan jadi kemas.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Out Of Action til Wednesday,17th.febuari
GONXI FA CHAI, HAPPY VALENTINE and as for me....happy,happy holiday.What a blissful weekend ...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Kenangan Terindah Diabadikan Dalam Kamar Pengantin.
A young bride- to- be drop by NYKOLETT early this morning,through a previous set appointment,accompanied by her dearest mum.Actually this is our second meet.She has previously chosen the bedroom setting from page 26 of KOLEKSI PENGANTIN ELYZA.So today she came with exact measurement for her windows n bed .Oh yes...its going to be a pink wedding.The bedskirt will be in Design Contempo.Colour Mayrose.Sheers will be in Design Twinkle,Colour Pink.And the night curtain is Design Milana ,Colour Rose.This wonderful collection and design ideas are exclusively from ELYZA.
Friday, February 12, 2010
One hot summer day in KL
Phew...almost everyone is lamenting about the sudden change in weather..Langsung takde clouds in the sky...just clear blue sky.and bright hot sun...Quite a good view if you are looking from inside an aircond room.but on the outside..the prickly heat is definitely bad for the skin.One thing good about the heat is you stay indoors to avoid sun burn..So bila dah indoors banyak lah kerja siap..semua kain langsir dah selamat di potong..,ya,sudah POTONG..and 40%dah siap jahit pun.Rasanye will be ready as schedule ...
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Bilik Mr Eldest & Mr Youngest to be upgraded soon.
Dalam kesibukan menggunting kain di NYKOLETT ,kerja2 membaiki bilik anak bujang saya sedang giat dijalankan olih dua pekerja binaan dirumah TAMAN SETIAWANGSA.Penat jugak saya and My Better Half pegi cari tiles,cement,chat and other remeh temeh things.Selalunye kedai2 hardware payah parking..so saya lah jadik driver while My Better Half and assistant pegi belanja barang2 keperluan untuk menyiapkan bilik bebudak bujang tuh..Itu satu hal..bab lagi satu nih ....habuk satu rumah amat disgusting,tak selesa langsung..almaklum le,bilik duduk diatas,so dua pekerja tu memang kene turun naik,keluar masuk..Lihat lah gambar bilik ni selepas dibersihkan dari kayu2 parquet.Rasanye will be ready before Chinese New Year..Pastu bole berangan camne nak hias bilik ni yang juga akan di jadikan bilik pengantin for Mr Eldest's wedding in October.
Busy mode melanda seketika,alhamdulillah.
Quotation submitted on monday,8 february telah diterima olih customer dan dengan sukacitnye(huh,huh,syok sendiri seketika) dimaklumkan kain2 sebanyak 150 meter telah pun masuk kedai NYKOLETT semalam..
So,alkisah seterusnye,maka sibuk lah kami dalam 10 hari ni.After a long dry spell (bukan cuaca tau...but kerja yang mendatangkan untong$$$$ )job nih memang dinanti2 kan..Syukur alhamdulillah.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The 3rd single bed skirt for Pn. Yatee
Siap sudah 3 single bed skirt.Yang last nih,a bit different,sebab dah bosan dgn the traditional pattern.The 12 inch checkerd border at the end of the bed top makes this set stands out from the other two sets.The matching pillow cover also has a 12 inch checkerd border,frilled n piped as well.The fitted sheet attached is also in white n red checks.Material ELYZA,MIDSUMMER,warm,natural and romantic.
Door gifts for the upcoming wedding.
Hari ahad yang lepas,kami jalan-jalan sekitar Jaya Jusco,AU2..saja nak cuci-cuci mata and at the same time nak survey hadiah2 yang bolih dijadikan cenderamata untuk tetamu on Mr Eldest wedding in October.Bukan senang nak cari hadiah rupa2 nye,especially kalau dah ade 4 orang berlainan pendapat..Gamat betul masa dikedai cenderamata tuh..We were very early,so belum ade ramai customer..Tinjau punye tinjau,Miss 2 dah berkenan dengan teddy bear dalam botol comel with snow dust..Orang senior macam saya nih...memang tak berkenan langsung ,,that is as a door gift..kalau nak bagi buah hati for valentine tuh...ok lah kot..Harga pun..tak masuk budget..lagi pun tak pernah orang buat,.mahal,mahal,mahal..baik bagi coklat..kenyang gak makan..so kiv lah dulu..Have to go for several more door gifts hunting sessions lagi,this time minus all three of them,ha,ha,ha,....Nampak nye kene menapak kat NILAI..Mana lagi ade jual barang at affordable price selain dari CHINA?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Auditorium FRIM, Kepong.
Last saturday,kami dapat undangan ke majlis khawin belah ipar saya..Ini lah gambar the 4 important people in my life.Gambar atas sekali,yang extreme left tu is My Better Half,followed by Miss 2,Mr.Eldest and extreme right is My Youngest.Bukan senang nak dapat all of us pergi attend wedding sesama..My sister pun joined us at the same table.She brought along her daughter.The food looked good,but i just could'nt swallow anymore food,because i had gone to an earlier wedding the same day,about an hour before this event..So i could only drink..Rasanye saya kene go for a few sessions of photo taking lessons.Memang tak pro..My Better Half kalau nampak gambar ini,memang dia kutuk saya habis2..dah tu amik gambar pakai camera hp,walhal dah dibeli olympus..ha,ha,ha..kamera yang dia beli tu walaupun mahal,berat le...
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Meeting client....buat quotation.
Rasanye one of the best part being in this trade is meeting up with people yang bermacam2 ragam.Rambut je sama itam,tapi selera berbeza2..One thing for sure,orang melayu kite memang house proud.Nearly 90%of my customers are malays..Well i guess bila dah penat2 kerja,dah tentu2 kite nak balik ke rumah yang bersih,,comfortable and of course penuh dgn kasih sayang,baru dapat bina keluarga bahagia..Well semalam saya pegi mengukur di sebuah rumah kediaman pegawai kerajaan..Rasanye kerajaan malaysia dah really upgrade taraf rumah kediaman untuk pegawai2 kerajaan.Well i was brought up in a government quarter from the day i was born til i got into UITM,better known as ITM in those days...hai tua lah pulak rasanye.I am proud to say government quarters have improved through the years.Sorry tak dapat nak tunjuk gambar rumah nih..cameras not allowed.Anyway....tuan rumah after a browsing through the sample books chose the above fabric for the main living consisting of 2 sliding doors and 3 wide windows.Gambar paling atas is the material for day curtain(or sheers)from ELYZA,SHEER ELEGANCE VOL.6.The sheers are in fancy organza with stripes and 100% polyester.Untuk night curtain pulak he chose the REMINGTON design which is in neutral colour.Very chic jacquard design ,ade nampak macam satin sikit.Goes well with the day curtain..Will be submitting the quotation on monday,insyaallah.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Lullabye...n goodnite,may sweet slumber.. be with thee...
Like i promise,the baby mat with 2 teeny weeny pillow sleep cover n bollster dah ready.Sweet nye.Depan blue maroon floral with cream maroon stripe for the under lay n top up with striped frills.Bila dah jemu dengan floral tengok lah pulak yang jalur,tak le bosan..Sila lah jamu mata anda..kalau gambar blur...so sorry,rajin2 lah singgah diNYKOLETT.
Elyza's frilly apron
Saya dilanda demam buat apron pulak,ha,ha.Entah kenapa sejak2 nampak apron2 yang sweet sweet kat kedai romantika n souvenir shoppe,tercabar pulak nak buat sendiri.Apron yang kami buat diNYKOLETT is lined fully..Kain pulak texguard,scotchgaurd..maana nye kalau terkena air,cepat2 lap,,air tak kan meresap ke dalam kain..Layan lah gambar saya nih,ya..kalau teringin nak buat untuk yang tersayang ibu ke,wife ke sudi sudi le jengah di NYKOLETT.
Baby changing mat .
Semalam dapat satu tempahan untuk buat selimut baby yang bole juga dijadikan alas untuk tukar lampin.Kain dari ROMANTIKA,tapi saya gadingkan dengan kain jalur ELYZA.Biasa le.Kalau customer bawa kain mesti mintak saya choose the matching goo..bila ade dua tone baru nampak ceria,tak le monotonous sangat..Baby tak kisah warna ape pun,tapi yg ibu mesti nak tengok warna yang riang girang bile membelai baby..Saya rasa akan jahit sekali 2 sarung bantal n 2 sarung bantal peluk..This piece of job will done by the end of the day,insyalah.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wajah ceria anak bujang lepas dapat LESEN P.
Ini wajah riang anak saya selepas dapat lesen P.This photo was taken on Thursday,28 January,2010.at Restaurant Syed,Lembah Keramat..Tengok lah betapa tinggi menggunung NASI BERIANI BOKHARA .Dah tu ..tahan lapar dari kol 8 pagi...huh,huh.Kol 2pm baru test.,kol 3pm baru dapat result..mana tak kebulur..TAHNIAH Wan,diatas kejayaan mu..SPM camne pulak?Tungguuuuuuu..........
Ho,ho,ho abis nasi bokhara..Apple juice tak cukup...tambah pulak ais kosong.Kuatnye makan...,tapi badan ..hmm kepeng aje..
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Room069,Level 6,Prince Court
Hari ini tolak ketepi semua kain,gunting,tape measure dll.Last night got a brief message from a dear friend asking for forgiveness n to pray for her speedy and safe operation.Memang tersentak abis..Baru 2 weeks ago berborak bagai nak rak..now dah masuk hospital.Anyway she underwent a minor surgery at 8 am this morning,everything went smooth without anymuch complication.Alhamdulilah..Tadi when i visited her at 2pm.she was already counscious from the bius,but still a bit sleepy..The 2 pillows size 21"x 11"that i brought along came in handy as she cuddled dearly to her heart as the room was very cold.Sorry,takde gambar lah pulak.Hai orang tengah sakit,tade mood nak bergambar.Anyway Kak Jam,semoga cepat sembuh,dan rajin2 le makan ubat ekk.Merasa lah jugak i menjejak Prince Court Medical Center,Hospital 5 bintang tuh...
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Tuesday Blue..
Another quiet day at the office..Work awaits me at Ampang..But the burning hot sun just puts off my intention of any outdoor job for the matter..so today will spent some time cutting the fabric for Pn Yatee's 2 sets single bed skirt.One in blue and the other in pink..will soon be ready before the week ends.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Hari Wilayah
Another day to laze around.What needs to be clean up??Oh yes,my fishpond..has been neglected for quite awhile..maybe i will just spent some quality time with my 3 darlings ..Just watching them swimming willy free top up with the water fountain on the background is a real therapy for the soul..
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