This sweet salmon bed skirt belongs to Pn. Hajah Norlizam from Bandar Tun Hussein Onn.. The skirt is double layered ..the first layer beneath is box pleated at both front corners and the second layer is machined pleated organza ..both materials are sourced from nagoya...

Today and for the past few days i feel very pissed off(my eyes have bulged off and i could feel my ears letting off steam)....sorry for the not so polite word being used...i need to let off steam lah!Last friday i made a business call visit to a couple's home at their request..measured the whole house...ground floor looks like a double storey bungalow still under renovation as i could see the mess surrounding the house.And on the same day i made a quotation for the amount of material needed for that area being measured also at their urgent request as they wanted to go shopping to utilze the end year sales..E-mailed the quotation on the same day...rasa macam kene dera pulak..tapi takpe...sabar aje...kene hormat customer kan....But they did not respon to my e-mail,my calls...tak kuasa pulak nak sms...looks like they are not interested lah pulak..tapi beriya-iya lah sangat siang tadi nak sesangat quotation..To my surprise two days later received sms from lady of the house wanting me to resend e-mail sebab dah terdelete..Haiyah!!!masa da dapat takde pulak nak acknowledge receipt..And yesterday i e-mail two more quotations for the costs of railings and roman blind and also the stitching...Hmmmm senyap jugak !!!Tapi semua nak cepat..elok lah camtu jahit sendiri kan!!!!gerammmmmmmmm!!saya benci kalau orang tak jawab my calls.That shows you are not interested and so why bother kan!"So black list them aje mama"..saya telah di batu api2 kan olih anak saya...Patut ke saya ikut cakap anak saya?
Not a nice way to start the year..being mad at somebody over something so pathetic ..there are many more nice appreciative people out dear me...hold your temper...