All will be in silver eyelet heading.Lets take a look at the eyelets pulak.
And one set curtains yang dah ready sewn with the silver eyelets..
No 42 1st Floor,Jln AU3/1, Tmn Sepakat, Ulu Klang,54200 Kuala Lumpur::: COMMENCING 01.04.2011

Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Today i had to bade goodbye to my two babies...the last two sold to ..
Puan Salmah from TTDI...But i know they are in good hands..Entah bila lah bole buat lagi dolls ni...tukang buat dah sibuk dengan bunga manggar for wedding after raya...
And the good news pulak is i received a parcel from NADIA ,(you can visit her at made me smile to the ears with these goodies......
Oh yes...beautiful wrislets for my treasured customers who seek my service for this upcoming raya..All are in ELYZA'S fabric.Thanx Nadia...for making these lovely pretty is a joy to my heart.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Dah rabu lagi sekali.....mengapa lah laju masa berjalan ya....rasa macam kene tinggal jauh.
Ini lah delemma aka demam..orang yang sedang dihujani kerja yang banyak dan 8 jam berkerja tak mencukupi.So as at today,tutup sudah tempahan curtains untuk raya 2010...kalau terima jugak memang kompem tak siap..huhuhu.Harap -harap takde yang datang rayu merayu suruh saya terima jugak tempahan last minute.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hari ni dah 16 Shaaban....masih terima tempahan untuk RAYA..Tapi tengoklah..
tempahan yang dah beratur untuk dijahit...menakutkan jugak....Tiap2 tahun ini lah yang dihadapi and setiap tahun jugak lah rasa cemas "bolih ke aku siapkan semua nih,huh?"
Mostly kain yang payah nak di jahit seperti organza like the purple above and the silver above it.Memang mencabar kesabaran huhuhu.
Yang ini pulak kain ELYZA...suka sangat kain2 jenis nih....senang potong,senang jahit,dan teramat cantik and tak lah mahal sangat.Ini masih belum siap.JUST A SNEAK PEEK
The 2 sarung bantals to go with the comforter posted here yesterday.
Dalam kesibukan memotong kain sempat jugak memikirkan paten valance to grace Mr.Eldest's wedding room.Rasa macam berkenan dengan paten ini.Baru siap valance,bodynye kain pun belum ada.Risaunye...kalau buat untuk orang senang aje....bila untuk kite,brain drain......Scallop belah kiri dan ditiup angin fan....i dah malas nak panjat betulkan....but i am really happy its nak pikir night curtain and day curtain...I think it will look better in his room...with the snow white cadar.......
Yang ini pulak kain ELYZA...suka sangat kain2 jenis nih....senang potong,senang jahit,dan teramat cantik and tak lah mahal sangat.Ini masih belum siap.JUST A SNEAK PEEK
The 2 sarung bantals to go with the comforter posted here yesterday.
Dalam kesibukan memotong kain sempat jugak memikirkan paten valance to grace Mr.Eldest's wedding room.Rasa macam berkenan dengan paten ini.Baru siap valance,bodynye kain pun belum ada.Risaunye...kalau buat untuk orang senang aje....bila untuk kite,brain drain......Scallop belah kiri dan ditiup angin fan....i dah malas nak panjat betulkan....but i am really happy its nak pikir night curtain and day curtain...I think it will look better in his room...with the snow white cadar.......
Monday, July 26, 2010
Has been quite a while since i last post of work done at NYKOLETT..Sibuk
mengejar customer..dah nak ramadan ramai lah yang mintak ukur rod,kerusi,meja..untuk buat curtain,runners,chair covers...and last sekali ade customer tanye " bole kak rose buat cover for my cheque book?"Melopong den sekojap...hahaha.Yes Hajar...if you are reading my post today..i will give it a thot..Belum pernah orang mintak cheque book cover,but can be done...just a matter of time..In the mean time let me focus on your curtains for your beautiful newly acquired home at Taman Melati,ya....
So lets take a look of a queen comforter done and completed this evening by my new staff.JULIA.Good job....for a person who have lost touch with curtains and comforters for quite some time..Keep up the good work ya,Julia..
So lets take a look of a queen comforter done and completed this evening by my new staff.JULIA.Good job....for a person who have lost touch with curtains and comforters for quite some time..Keep up the good work ya,Julia..
This is a queen size comforter 100"x100".Ade frill at all 3 corners.
Bahagian atas takde frill,,just a plain finish like so below:
Bantal masih dalam proses pembikinan..Esok will show the bantals.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
It is 6.30am on a beautiful sunday quiet in the house,but the birds
are chirping busily out in the garden... cari .cacing kot...sehari tak mencoret kat my space ni rasa tak keruan.Nak sambung my ga tapi letih yang teramat..bende2 masih banyak yang nak disedekah kat kekawan,and my stash pun tak banyak yang kurang ....aduh .....tambah pulak dengan kain2 langsir customer untuk HARI RAYA udah mula beratur ..adeh,adeh...mengeluh dalam kesyukuran.Masa-masa ni rasa nak pasang extension kaki and tangan..More legs and hands means more jobs can be done...Tapi no extension of this kind is sold kene le set my priority...jadi first thing first and that is focus on tempahan langsir RAYA.Yes you guys...sorry le i will hold my GA til after raya.But please singgah bebila senang cos i am going to post all the beautiful fabric langsir for raya in this blog soon.Adious!
By the way,kalau ade sesiapa nak tambah duit untuk menyambut raya sila hubungi saya.... kak Rose nak bagi duit xchange for your sewing service lah of course....
By the way,kalau ade sesiapa nak tambah duit untuk menyambut raya sila hubungi saya.... kak Rose nak bagi duit xchange for your sewing service lah of course....
Friday, July 23, 2010
Pengumuman kepada semua penerima placemats....
Penerima2 placemats dimaklumkan bahawa kesemua placemats yang dikirim telah dijahit olih pelajar2 yang telah datang untuk belajar menjahit di NYKOLETT satu ketika dahulu.Jadi harap maaf jika jahitan tidak memuaskan ya...nak di jual takut tak laku,nak dibuang sayang pulak.....harap terima seadanye....
Kepada CICAKGIRL...Anda cukup teliti dan prihatin...Pemilihan untuk pemenang GA kali ini cukup mudah kerana ramai peserta telah mengabaikan beberapa syarat2 GA dan terus jadi defaulters dan CICAKGIRL menang tanpa bertanding...ape2 pun terima kasih kepada semua kerana tanpa penglibatan kamu semua akan sunyi le GA nih...
Kepada CICAKGIRL,dengan kemenangan ini anda akan menerima package GA NYKOLETT 4TH WEEK iaitu:
1) Nappy holder
2) Tea Cosy
3) Placemat.So CICAKGIRL....sila sms alamat lengkap kepada Kak ROSNI at 0133886313.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Terima kasih kepada semua yang mengambil bahagian dalam GA kali nih..Ramai dah followers kak.Rose..Mereka yang telah singgah ke blog ini ialah seramai 8 orang...
1) cicakgirl
2) shidasyakirin
3) tiefazatie
4) mamazharfan
5) ummuabdullahsyaakir
6) kakyong
7) zaikulim
8) ummu umar
Nak tahu keputusan tunggu esok ya...Ramai yang tak menepati syarat ke lima (e) untuk GA kali ini.... iaitu blogger no.2 hingga no.7...Blogger no 8 tak menepati syarat no (d) pulak .ish,ish,ish....kenapa careless sangat..tapi takpe dapat placemats...nasib bek......Rasa2 nye dah tahu siapa pemenang ekk....
So bloggers no 1) sampai no 5) bolih le antar alamat melalui sms ke hp 0133886313 untuk mendapat placemats .....
Heavenly garden....
Hari ni cukup bertuah dapat pergi jalan2 mencari bahan idea for Mr Eldest's wedding in October...Mata ni terpaut dan terus jatuh cinta pada hiasan arch ini.Lihatlah......bertapa simple yet manis and cukup sedap mata memandang..sesuai dengan konsep GARDEN WEDDING.
Dah hilang arch besi di selubungi bunga putih diselangi dedaun hijau dan juraian manik bentuk love dicelah-celah kuntuman bunga mengindahkan lagi panorama ini...
Dah hilang arch besi di selubungi bunga putih diselangi dedaun hijau dan juraian manik bentuk love dicelah-celah kuntuman bunga mengindahkan lagi panorama ini...
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bakul Baby warna pink
Hari ni Julia,my new staff who joined NYKOLETT yesterday completed project bakul baby for Puan Zana.I am quite happy with her work as she completed the task without much supervision.Staff who can work on their own are for keeps...Now lets take a look at the BEFORE and AFTER job...Semua fabric adalah jenis cotton dari NAGOYA TEXTILE..Jumlah kain yang digunakan are 9meters.
selepas di pakaikan sarung buai dan dimasukkan tilam.
Lepas tu di masukkan 2 bantal kepala dan 2 bantal size of course....
Kain lebih dibuatkan a simple selimut with lace trimmings..Boleh juga digunakan untuk alas baby semasa nappy change.
Kalau guna selimut untuk tutup buai pun manis jugak....
selepas di pakaikan sarung buai dan dimasukkan tilam.
Lepas tu di masukkan 2 bantal kepala dan 2 bantal size of course....
Kain lebih dibuatkan a simple selimut with lace trimmings..Boleh juga digunakan untuk alas baby semasa nappy change.
Kalau guna selimut untuk tutup buai pun manis jugak....
Monday, July 19, 2010
Just to show off some fabrics that are getting popular among my customers...the HARMONY COLLECTION...
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Antara ikan terubuk masin and chocolates.....I have been pampered....
I just adore chocolates...but dont you think this is just going overboard..Mr Eldest just got back from Labuan..I pesan IKAN TERUBUK MASIN...and look what i got instead....kata nye Labuan is not the place for ikan terubuk....
Shall i call another giveaway..hahaha..maybe to loved ones this time around..kalau tak bagi orang harus ku bedal bende alah ni sampai kencing manis wakakakaka.......
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Beautiful wristlets for my treasured customers who come by NYKOLETT....
For all my loyal customers who have been supporting my business since year 2000....please take note....Sempena menyambut HARI RAYA PUASA 2010 nih i am giving away beautiful wristlets for those who purchase ELYZA'S fabric....This offer is valid from 2nd.August till 31st.August and limited only to the first 20 customers aje .
So,nak tengok ke wristlets yang comel loteh nih.....baru sebahagian yang dah siap..
Memang cantik kan!and all are in ELYZA fabric... so tunggu ape lagi...jom le datang pilih2 kain...........
Friday, July 16, 2010
Lonely silent Friday... it at the shop...or at home.....its just me,my house and the laptop...No staff at my shop...No hubby,no children,no food (malas nak makan sorang2)at home....too much ME time....bole gila rasanye....
By tomorrow everybody will be back...and i can get back to the normal routine....
By tomorrow everybody will be back...and i can get back to the normal routine....
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Syarat2 untuk mengambil bahagian dalam NYKOLETT GIVEAWAY-4TH.WEEK.
a) You have to follow me...(kesian kene paksa jadi folower...hihihi)
b) You have to introduce a blogger to my blog.(Alah...melampau betul Kak Rosni ni lah...kakaka..)
c) Mention the blogger you introduce in the comment box.
d) The blogger you introduced must also drop by NYKOLETT and mention the introducer....
e) Also mention in the comment box that you are joining this giveaway...
So lets see what are the goodies for the GIVEAWAY :
The duo consist of a nappy organizer and a set of tea cosy .Both are in ELYZA fabric ya....kene jaga quality for my beloved blogger friends.Take a closer look,ok..
Nappy organizer ini bole digantung .Theres a wide opening in the middle and you can house anything inside.I like to put all my plastics from giant to be recycle and of course it will be hung in my kitchen.
This is the tea cosy siap dengan alas sekali...
And for my folower yang introduced a friend/blogger will each receive a placemat limited to only 5 persons.Also in ELYZA fabric.
Placemat ini ade satu aje.
Yang ini in fruiti tutti corak ade 2 keping.
Yang ini pulak ade 2 set jugak..
So,i hope with that ramai lagi terpanggil nak participate in this GIVEAWAY.
So,i hope with that ramai lagi terpanggil nak participate in this GIVEAWAY.
Pemenang ialah..........NOREM.
So NOREM,tahniah...and sms alamat penuh kepada Kak Rosni 0133886313.
Terima kasih kepada yang mengambil bahagian ..they are Mamalyna,Cicakgirl,Nadiah,Mila@Rimbun and Norem..Nampaknye orang yang sama aje yang datang bertandang ke blog ini...Sungguh lah tak menarik blog NYKOLETT nih kan!How to make more people to join all these giveaways......
So NOREM,tahniah...and sms alamat penuh kepada Kak Rosni 0133886313.
Terima kasih kepada yang mengambil bahagian ..they are Mamalyna,Cicakgirl,Nadiah,Mila@Rimbun and Norem..Nampaknye orang yang sama aje yang datang bertandang ke blog ini...Sungguh lah tak menarik blog NYKOLETT nih kan!How to make more people to join all these giveaways......
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thinking of a good friend ....
Two weeks ago a close friend lost her beloved husband..It happened about two weeks after her daughter's wedding who is also a close childhood friend of my daughter.We were there during the wedding and the husband look quite himself as always although i noticed a llittle weight loss in him.
I am trying to write something for her but it is not reaching my mind.All i know my prayers and my thoughts are with her.And she will always be lifted in my prayers for a long time to come.Being a true servant of ALLAH i know ALLAH will provide her peace and comfort....At the same time i also know that the oncoming days will be tough .The ache she and her family is experiencing must be really tremendous.
So dear friends would you join me in praying for her in the coming days,weeks,months and years.? I think that is the best gift to give when no words can comfort an aching heart.
I am seating here at my laptop staring at the screen since friday...bila tak ade camera ,takde gambar...mental terus kene block!Tu lah asyik teringat kan kawan nun di Batu Pahat.
I am trying to write something for her but it is not reaching my mind.All i know my prayers and my thoughts are with her.And she will always be lifted in my prayers for a long time to come.Being a true servant of ALLAH i know ALLAH will provide her peace and comfort....At the same time i also know that the oncoming days will be tough .The ache she and her family is experiencing must be really tremendous.
So dear friends would you join me in praying for her in the coming days,weeks,months and years.? I think that is the best gift to give when no words can comfort an aching heart.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Camera dah kena hijack....kwang,kwang,kwang.......alahai.....
Dah lah ditinggalkan 3 malam and 4 hari..dia rembat pulak camera.Kata nye nak attend kursus motivasi nun kat Pulau Perhentian.Jauh nye nak bermotivasi....jealous lah pulak..Ye ke kursus!!?
So...untuk sehari dua ni tak bole nak upload gambar..Have a nice and creative weekend you alls.....
So...untuk sehari dua ni tak bole nak upload gambar..Have a nice and creative weekend you alls.....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
So minggu nih i have chosen my favourite colour GREEN.And lets take a look at these sweet handsome couple.Kali nih i am giving away a multipurpose organizer and a decorative ribbon.
Individually they look like so......
This organizer consist of 6 pockets.You can hang it using a hanger or on a rod like in the pic.The 2 V like tabs are using zaplon for easy handling.Bole gantung kat baby cot and store almost anything in the pockets.It measures 15inch x 30inch.Lets have a closer look,ok...
And the sweet ribbon which can also be hang behind photo frames looks like so on its own..
So thats about all for this post.Hope many more people will take part...the more the merrier...This GIVEAWAY begins now till wednesday 12 noon,14th Julai,2010.
Happy blogging...
Individually they look like so......
This organizer consist of 6 pockets.You can hang it using a hanger or on a rod like in the pic.The 2 V like tabs are using zaplon for easy handling.Bole gantung kat baby cot and store almost anything in the pockets.It measures 15inch x 30inch.Lets have a closer look,ok...
And the sweet ribbon which can also be hang behind photo frames looks like so on its own..
a)Please drop by and leave a comment..that way baru i know you have drop by kan...
b)This time you have to follow me... hihihi......its ok to be a follower sometimes.
c)You should indicate in your comment that you participate in this giveaway...
So thats about all for this post.Hope many more people will take part...the more the merrier...This GIVEAWAY begins now till wednesday 12 noon,14th Julai,2010.
Happy blogging...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Mabuk lace terus melanda....
More sarung bantals with lace....Fit for any pengantin barus and for those who just want to pamper themselves through out the night with the love ones...
Kali ni jumlah penyertaan meningkat..About 6 persons dropby and commented.They are
Azaidris,cicakgirls,aishah Helga,Norem,.mila@Rimbun and Mamalyna.Nak tahu how i pick the winner?Mula2 i write their names in green piece of paper like so below....why green fav.colour.
Then i gather all six and place in a crystal glass..why crystal plass?sebab konon2 nampak mahal sesuai dengan peserta2 yang sungguh precious bagi bila dah masuk gelas rupanye like so...
Then i will just pick one winner lah...easy peasy like so...
And the lucky person is Mamalyna.
Congrats Mamalyna...Yang tak berjaya tuh just dropby my shop..i am sure theres something in my shop that you fancy and all are at 20% discount..all materials included..So,Mamalyna plis furnish me your full address melalui my no 0133886313.So stay tune for the nex GIVEAWAY..Thanx so much to everyone who you alls!!!!
Azaidris,cicakgirls,aishah Helga,Norem,.mila@Rimbun and Mamalyna.Nak tahu how i pick the winner?Mula2 i write their names in green piece of paper like so below....why green fav.colour.
Then i gather all six and place in a crystal glass..why crystal plass?sebab konon2 nampak mahal sesuai dengan peserta2 yang sungguh precious bagi bila dah masuk gelas rupanye like so...
Then i will just pick one winner lah...easy peasy like so...
And the lucky person is Mamalyna.
Congrats Mamalyna...Yang tak berjaya tuh just dropby my shop..i am sure theres something in my shop that you fancy and all are at 20% discount..all materials included..So,Mamalyna plis furnish me your full address melalui my no 0133886313.So stay tune for the nex GIVEAWAY..Thanx so much to everyone who you alls!!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
New range from HARMONY
Two fabrics came in this evening under the newest rangge HARMONY.Take a look at the pics.
This scarlet is going to cover 5 pieces of Datin Eliza's mummy's cusion.
Yang ini pulak ala2 bunga orchid.....Setiap kali order kain untuk customer,saya mesti selit a few meters kain for myself..thats how i like to pamper myself..and being in this line of business you just cannot resist the temptation of hoarding materials.. Agak2 lah ape saya nak buat dgn kain nih ya.....Ade 4 meters...The laces are still clouding my mind.Have a good mind to make more pilow covers ..lets team up with the 5 inches lace and see how they both react.
Emmmm not too friendly....tapi bila dah jadi mesti nampak sweet..
This scarlet is going to cover 5 pieces of Datin Eliza's mummy's cusion.
Yang ini pulak ala2 bunga orchid.....Setiap kali order kain untuk customer,saya mesti selit a few meters kain for myself..thats how i like to pamper myself..and being in this line of business you just cannot resist the temptation of hoarding materials.. Agak2 lah ape saya nak buat dgn kain nih ya.....Ade 4 meters...The laces are still clouding my mind.Have a good mind to make more pilow covers ..lets team up with the 5 inches lace and see how they both react.
Emmmm not too friendly....tapi bila dah jadi mesti nampak sweet..
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