Yeah....more handmades from Nykolett scraps..Three Emily Bags ( campur dengan 2 yang she made earlier now i have 5 emilys.,.) made by Nadia.To view the bags hop over to her blog at............................
Color Me Pretty.No 42 1st Floor,Jln AU3/1, Tmn Sepakat, Ulu Klang,54200 Kuala Lumpur::: COMMENCING 01.04.2011

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A Tuesday parcel....
Although i know i will be expecting a parcel and have even seen the goodies in it ( sebab awal2 lagi dah desak Nadia post kat her blog... kikiki ) but i was equally excited when the courier man came...Take a look.Sempat amik gambar lagi sebelum dibuka....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A working SUNDAY...
Although its an off day for everyone...its definitely a working day for me.....Hanging of curtains took place at a six bedded house in TIARA SETIAWANGSA.Work started at 10 am .3 roman blinds and 67 meters of pinch pleated sheers were hung ..Sebab dah penat supervise the hanging session so lets just look at the piccies aje..tak perlu banyak celoteh kan..hihihi
Will only show the pinch pleated sheers hung at the main living..The other areas will look just the same...
My two assistants which made my hanging sessions a breeze...huhuhu..bless me!
The kitchen blind in GREENMARKET DESIGN...from ELYZA..
Jahit blind senang tapi tak tahan bab menggantung...a lot of process to follow...
A lot of strings to tie,adjustments to make....before you can finally hang up.Work was completed at 1.30pm..Part 2 will continue when the night curtains are ready.
Will only show the pinch pleated sheers hung at the main living..The other areas will look just the same...
My two assistants which made my hanging sessions a breeze...huhuhu..bless me!
Pinch pleated sheers ready hung at the sliding the main living.Fabric from AHD Marketing. |
This roman blind at the kitchen is partially hidden on the left by the hanging wall cabinet. |
Roman Blind at daughter's room.Fabric from ELYZA |
Roman blind at son's room.Fabric from ELYZA |
Jahit blind senang tapi tak tahan bab menggantung...a lot of process to follow...
A lot of strings to tie,adjustments to make....before you can finally hang up.Work was completed at 1.30pm..Part 2 will continue when the night curtains are ready.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My humble recluse....
Now infested with that greeny hoppy pest.......Manage to FLATTEN 2 with my fingertips this morning..they are so tiny but look at the damage done..Any body have any idea how to shoo them without chasing the beautiful butterflies away?!
And more here...
But these two babies are so gratifying.....and on many hot days makes me want to swim along...
And more here...
But these two babies are so gratifying.....and on many hot days makes me want to swim along...
Friday, November 26, 2010
A very busy hexi patch work but quite neatlly done!
Today i received another huge patchwork measuring 120 inch x by 86 inch...huhuhu..nak di jadikan 2 pieces quilt for a single bed...But owner whispered to me," Rosni buat slow2 ya sebab kak dah broke..,,tunggu gaji bulan depan..."
She wants the backing to be one in green and the other set in blue checks...Adeh....lagi ribut ...don' you think so..?I will shove it aside for awhile...
Entah kenapa minggu ni tangan saya menjadi-jadi gian nye..Too much blog hopping i guess...and look what i got myself indulge in...
A heavenly laden yoyo hexie caddie pin cushion..Kalau the first was done in three days...this one was completed in 3 hours..!minus the yoyos which i have ready stock all the time...Yeh! Saya Boleh!!Tapi unfortunately,caddie nye dah kemek sebab terkial2 nak jahit yoyo..kakaka.Don't be surprise if i have my own hexie caddie parade....saja nak syok sendiri..
And i also got myself making a new home for my mates....Mr Scissors...all the time seating in a box,,,kali ni bagi chance merasa kain ELYZA yang mahal sesangat nih...ROOM FOR KIDS VOL 2.Kain ni i hijack dari sample book...dapat buat small case ni pun jadik lah...
She wants the backing to be one in green and the other set in blue checks...Adeh....lagi ribut ...don' you think so..?I will shove it aside for awhile...
And in the mean time the 3 blinds and 67 meters of pinch pleated cream sheers are all ready tu hang..
Entah kenapa minggu ni tangan saya menjadi-jadi gian nye..Too much blog hopping i guess...and look what i got myself indulge in...
A heavenly laden yoyo hexie caddie pin cushion..Kalau the first was done in three days...this one was completed in 3 hours..!minus the yoyos which i have ready stock all the time...Yeh! Saya Boleh!!Tapi unfortunately,caddie nye dah kemek sebab terkial2 nak jahit yoyo..kakaka.Don't be surprise if i have my own hexie caddie parade....saja nak syok sendiri..
And i also got myself making a new home for my mates....Mr Scissors...all the time seating in a box,,,kali ni bagi chance merasa kain ELYZA yang mahal sesangat nih...ROOM FOR KIDS VOL 2.Kain ni i hijack dari sample book...dapat buat small case ni pun jadik lah...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Nostalgia zaman kanak-kanak...
Many many years ago bila cuti sekolah aje arwah mak suka ajak i sama2 siapkan alas meja yang dibuat dari perca2 kain..( .Arwah mak memang suka menjahit aneka bende ...dari baju ke langsir sampai lah ke kerja kraftangan)...Now kite tak panggil alas meja..ada nama lebih glamour ... runner..Masa tu memang rasa kene dera lah....Mana tak nye....time tu kite lebih suka main masak2 and teng-teng..Tak macam budak2 sekarang..asyik mengadap lap top,tengok wayang dan membelik i-phone...Dengan kemajuan teknologi manusia pun dah jadi so complex kan!Salah siapa agaknye ya!
Great way to utilise small remnants kan!Banyak nye bende yang nak buat tapi tangan ade dua aje and masa ade 24 jam aje sehari..and time is passing like the breezy wind.....woosh.......dah nak sampai December!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sekadar melayan tangan yang gian...hihihi..
Jangan pikir yang bukan2 ya....sebenarnye setelah melihat hexie caddie pin cushion Kak Dee and bertandang pulak ke blog Penny,hati kecil ku berlonjak2 nak mencuba...dah tu nampak macam senang aje...tapi believe me it is not as easy as it caddie almost topple kerana tak dapat nak agak berapa banyak fiber nak di sumbat...well if you have many kilos of fiber staring blank at you,( oops at me),you cannot help going overboard...wakakaka..Lepas tu bab nak handstitch...adeh .....memang mencabar kesabaran...rasa nak tekan aje dengan mesin highspeed aku tuh!!!( olih kerana cikgu kata kene jahit tangan jadi anak murid kene ikut) Tapi masuk hari ketiga( ya 3 days..punye lah bengap) siap jugak bende jahanam nih....kikiki.
Tapi terpaksa embellish untuk menutup kecacatan handstitch ku....But i had fun laughing at myself and the end product is......
Pesanan khidmat masyarakat.......
Kepada kekawan yang meminati barang2 dari rotan,sila ambil perhatian ...Kedai Uncle Liew terletak nun di Ampang berpengalaman dalam pembikinan perabot rotan...mana tak nye...pekerja2 dia semua above 60 years old...So kalau nak tempah kene le berbanyak sabor...But he also sell a lot of ready mades like rocking chairs,chests,baby cribs,tables.....and if you want something done according to your specifications pun he will do it for you.His price memang unbeatable ...So ini lah alamat dia....
Sunday, November 21, 2010
pergi ke kedai rotan yang terpesuk kat Pekan Ampang nak collect my baby swing which was long overdue!Janji siap in 5 days tapi....genap 3 minggu baru siap ma.....Dah tu kalau nak murah kene lah sabor....One thing i like about this kedai rotan is harga dia tremendously cheaper than those kedai rotan yang tepi jalan2 besar tuh..better not mention names..takut2 nanti tuan kedai belasah saya dengan rotan2 nye..hihihi.I stumble upon this kedai rotan at Ampang about 10 years ago...masa mula2 nak start my business..
Anyway nak pendek kan cerita my intention of buying this baby swing is ( not for me ya..kilang anak i dah expire!) bagi menyahut permintaan customers yang ingin menyewa untuk majlis akikah and berendoi...and not forgetting cukur jambul...Ya lah...Buai ni pakai sekejap aje pas tu duk menyemak at one corner..and harga nye pun bole tahan gak mahal...
Kalau ade sesiapa nak menyewa buai for those occasion please contact me or e mail or sms.....Heres the pic..Masih belum di pakaikan baju .....Masih baru....Now tengah memerah otak nak buat sarung pesen ape.Dah jemu dengan frill2 tuh...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Pinch Pleated sheers for TIARA House,TAMAN SETIAWANGSA
Lama tak talk about my curtain affair..sebab demand for curtains whether you like it or not is fairly seasonal.Currently i am working on pinch pleated (sebab you really have to pinch the 2 pleats before you can sew on it ) sheers for a six bedded house at TIARA SETIAWANGSA.All are in cream striped polyester..All 67 meters.....
In the meantime,2 roman blinds are ready..also for TIARA HOUSE.
The yellow greenmarket design is for the kitchen while yang gingham check in purlpe is for son's room...Both roman blind is fully lined.Another blind is currently being stitched for daughter's room..Tapi gambar blur lah sikit..Will still show off the pic anyway.... hihihi....
Sesiapa yang berminat nak buat sendiri roman blind bole le drop by at detailed tutorial.
Roman blinds are easy to stitch.The most tricky part is to sew the straight horizontal lines..need some skill and good practice though!For a first timer,NUROL did a great job.Her stitching experience as a dress maker pay off well!She is still under training in close supervision...very meticulous in her work but bit slow for my liking....adeh!
The yellow greenmarket design is for the kitchen while yang gingham check in purlpe is for son's room...Both roman blind is fully lined.Another blind is currently being stitched for daughter's room..Tapi gambar blur lah sikit..Will still show off the pic anyway.... hihihi....
Sesiapa yang berminat nak buat sendiri roman blind bole le drop by at detailed tutorial.
Roman blinds are easy to stitch.The most tricky part is to sew the straight horizontal lines..need some skill and good practice though!For a first timer,NUROL did a great job.Her stitching experience as a dress maker pay off well!She is still under training in close supervision...very meticulous in her work but bit slow for my liking....adeh!
More gifts received!This time from........................
Kamila.....the DIY Lover......

Thanx a zillion Mila..Suka the young looking granny's bag and the handsome wristlet.,fabulous job!!
Would you be interested to do more wristlets for me in exchange for more beautiful scraps??just asking.....
Thanx a zillion Mila..Suka the young looking granny's bag and the handsome wristlet.,fabulous job!!
Would you be interested to do more wristlets for me in exchange for more beautiful scraps??just asking.....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Another tulip quilt for Khariyaton...this time in bright russet color ....
Rupa2 nye,bunga tulips pun cantik...sehebat roses jugak.This time the quilt is in tulip flowers on both sides with russet frills.As for the pillows,two are in russet piping while the other two are frilled in tulips and piped in russet.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Harga runtuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....Operasi meyelongkar,mengemas dan jual murah-murah.....
sedang giat dijalankan di
Sesiapa yang berminat dengan kain heavy cotton sila ambil perhatian.Dua kain dibawah ini nak saya jual dengan harga yang cukup istimewa..........only RM25 per meter...But theres only 4 meters left for each design..Postage not included lah pulak....and usual will selit a few scraps for you to belasah for small projects...
Sesiapa yang berminat dengan kain heavy cotton sila ambil perhatian.Dua kain dibawah ini nak saya jual dengan harga yang cukup istimewa..........only RM25 per meter...But theres only 4 meters left for each design..Postage not included lah pulak....and usual will selit a few scraps for you to belasah for small projects...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
If its not embellished than it is not true kata2 BETTY BLAIS...
When i know my embroidery sucks,or maybe mesin singer i tu yang dah usang.,and an inner voice whispered " do not despair old girl " i went digging into my embellishment buffet,;.kakaka..and look what i found......among other things lah kan....
I remembered using these sweet ornaments for a baby project many years ago....But now the meterage is too liitle to do big projects.So mula lah operasi menepek dan menekankan...huhuhu.
Sometimes little things give big effect on an otherwise plain artwork...easy peasy...So kekawan yang tak ade mesin embroidery tak perlu gusar..beli aje trimmings yang melambak dipasaran lepas tu tepek and tekan..Your job will be completed in a breeze.Just a matter of choosing the right trimmings...
Enjoy your weekend...
I remembered using these sweet ornaments for a baby project many years ago....But now the meterage is too liitle to do big projects.So mula lah operasi menepek dan menekankan...huhuhu.
Sometimes little things give big effect on an otherwise plain artwork...easy peasy...So kekawan yang tak ade mesin embroidery tak perlu gusar..beli aje trimmings yang melambak dipasaran lepas tu tepek and tekan..Your job will be completed in a breeze.Just a matter of choosing the right trimmings...
Enjoy your weekend...
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