Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A simple life,a simple slip cover ....

I love a simple life...i live a simple life..i detest bitterness,hatred among humans and dirty politics...the chaos in Arabian lands is the latest complications ...How i wish everyone in the world can lead a harmonious life...

I love simplicity in the things i create..Life dah cukup complicated..tak perlu lah susah-susah kan diri menjahit bende2 yang rumit kan,that way you will enjoy creating along the way..

Enough of the bla,bla,bla....

Actually i was quite apprehensive to start cutting Yati's heavy material for her dining chair...Kain punya lah tebal..really puts me off...memang menakutkan...Issh!I was telling( more of coaxing)myself...be positive old gal...theres nothing dificult in this world..its how you handle the situation...

Hmmm ..bla,bla lagi. 

So to cut things short here is the progress on Yati's slip cover..no broken needles...not just yet..hihihi..Tukang jahit SHIMAH memang pro..Kalau saya yang jahit dah berbatang2 jarum patah!

Ok,enough of photos....got to get 5 more slip covers cut and done! 

Bye for now....


  1. betul kata ziela.. seswai betul ngan CNY.. rasanya ni kain velvet kan... tebal n kalau dah potong tuh.. berabuk jer memanjang.. tension betul

  2. Ya Ziela,merah kongsi Fat Chai

    Mila...memang berabuk2...gunting pun tukar warna merah...

  3. kerusi bila dah di'bajukan' mmg nmpk cantik..lebih2 lagi kalau kak ros yg'memakaikannya'.hehe..hmm..mmg kena beno ngan CNY punya tema kan..

  4. Aimila..jangan lebih2 sangat puji...kembang semangkuk dah...Thanx anyway!
