semalam dah lari macam marathon nak menyiapkan kerja.Today i went to visit a very senior customer.She is 72 years old and i have known her for 11 years.She misplace her pelmet valance which i made a couple of years ago.I called on her this morning as she has requested me to sew another....hmmmmm ade jugak orang hilang langsir ekk.
She wants the pelmet to be in soft brown to match her settees.Ini lah warna kerusi nye.
So budget kain telah ditetapkan RM10 semeter.....jadi besok kene lah menapak kat NAGOYA..
pas tu kene siap before her majlis tahlil on the 20th march..Hoiiiii 3 pelmet tu weh...itu tak masuk 2 sets curtain sheers untuk bilik solat and 2 sets for kitchen ...tak sampai hati pulak nak merungut...ya puan will be done soon....sabar aje,adeh! week another marathon kot!!
Pukul 3 petang baru masuk work station..Jom jengok pulak WIPs
Cuba teka ape ke bende ni? |
Pelmet valance in floral...this is the stage where we fix the bias..quite tricky if you are a beginner.. |
One pelmet valance ready measures 52 inch aje untuk tingkap kecil...2 more to go... |
This is how the back looks. |
And today Juli have mastered the technique of affixing the tabs on to the curtains..
her remarks was.."aduh kak,lecehnye buat tali pipih ni....."Ye lah pun,setengah hari kamu baru siap satu panel..5 more panels awaiting..
Juli....yang hang pakai blue chalk ape hal!!comots nye!!!!! |
Assalamualaikum Nykolett,
ReplyDeletecantik2 pelmet tu...hmmm belum pernah jahit pelmet ni...pelmet ni gunakan pita biasa ya...biasa Nur jahit langsir scallop aje.
Wasalam Nuridah...ade banyak cara nak buat pelmet ni..kak guna pita biasa and fix single hook aje untuk gantung sebab rumah customer pakai alluminium trek biasa tu...