at approximately RM4700.! for a fully ELYZA range of fabrics excluding curtain tracks,and stitching costs. Except for the living area which takes up a 3 layered curtains...which is the night curtain,day curtain and a valance...,the rest of the house suffice with just the night curtain and valance ,kitchen included.
so today i spent time cutting fabrics for all the three rooms..cutting was a breeze as they all share the same style... What is left is just the living and kitchen...will try to find a suitable pattern for both areas over the weekend,already have a few playing in my mind waiting to be purged out.....
Target time to complete is before the 24th March....
Blue for the master room,purple for the children's room,pink for the audio room and red for the kitchen.....OOOPS ..And gold for the living .....looks like all colors have been taken.
I am off for a well rested has been a tremendously blast week for me..BYE!
wahhh colourful... green jer not in the list yerr almost all the floral fabric ade green leaves...kak da mabuk tengok bebunga....